Love Your Skin: The Benefits of Dry Brushing


Skin care is a big part of healthy self-care. I think a lot of us tend to look at skin care from a “beauty” perspective (which makes sense, because healthy skin is beautiful). For beauty purposes, then, we do our makeup, maybe add some moisturizer, and let it go at that.

But your skin is so much more than a facade! It’s literally your largest organ, and has a lot of important jobs to do, health-wise. From regulating your body temperature, to fighting off germs, to providing your sense of touch, skin is extremely important.

So let’s show our skin the same care we give to our heart, gut, oral, and mental health. My favorite skincare practice is dry brushing, and it’s exactly what it sounds like: brushing your body while it’s dry. Read below for a short list of the benefits, and try it for yourself! You’ll love the smooth, healthy, glowing results.

Benefits of Dry Brushing

  • Exfoliation: Nothing exfoliates like dry brushing! By removing dead skin cells from the surface of your body, your skin will look and feel smoother.

  • Improved Moisturization: After dry brushing, your skin is better prepared to absorb your favorite moisturizer, leading to a more glow. Great, right?

  • Better Circulation: Dry brushing stimulates blood circulation, which in turn encourages new cell growth. That means healthier, younger-looking skin!

  • Lymphatic Drainage: As you dry brush, you gently stimulate your lymphatic system, encouraging it to drain correctly. This naturally detoxifies your body.

  • Beauty Benefits: Dry brushing also has temporary effects of plumping skin and reducing the appearance of cellulite! Cool, right?

How to Dry Brush Your Skin

Using a body brush with firm, natural bristles, gently brush your skin using circular motions. Start at your feet and work your way up to your heart; then brush along each arm and shoulder toward your heart. Use a softer, smaller brush for your neck and face.


Disclaimer: This content is provided for general informational purposes only, and is not intended nor should be considered a substitute to professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment by your healthcare provider.


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