6 Healthy Ways to Enjoy Your Morning Coffee


Do you cherish your morning coffee ritual, but wonder if it’s really good for you? I get it! The good news is, you don’t have to give up on coffee in order to start your day off right; just making a simple (and delicious) swap or two can turn coffee into a treat that tastes good, and is good for you, too. So if you don’t want to give up your morning cup of joe but just not sure how to take it without all the sugar and creamers, here are six of my favorite healthy ways to customize your cuppa.


If you like your coffee sweet and your waistline slim, reach for 100% stevia! My gold standard for healthy sugar substitutes is this whole food Stevia Plant. It’s a 100% natural whole food, and contains no calories. This plant-based sweetener is derived from a whole plant, and contains some of the plant phytochemicals and nutrients that have been linked to lowering blood sugar, insulin levels and blood pressure. The taste is intense so a little goes a long way. Start with ¼ teaspoon and work up to taste preferences. 

Not a stevia fan? Try monk fruit instead! Monk fruit sweetener is also a 100% natural sweetener. It’s derived from a fruit and contains some of the fruit’s beneficial nutrients. 

Be sure to always check the ingredient list on the back of the package! There should only be one ingredient: “100% organic stevia” or  “monk fruit extract.”

Nut Milk

If you’re looking for the thick texture that high calorie creamers and full fat milks add to your coffee, nut milk is a great option. You get all the texture, without the calories, sugar, or preservatives. And you can make your own from real almonds or cashews in under 10 minutes, and keep it fresh in your refrigerator for an entire week! See Got Mylk? for my quick step by step tutorial.

No time to make your own nut milk? Try an organic, store-bought plant-based milk with minimal ingredients. Great options include oat milk, pea milk, or nut milks.

Coconut and MCT Oils 

Like your coffee frothy, latte-style? Add coconut or MCT oil. Combine your black coffee with half a tablespoon, and mix in a small blender. You’ll get a dose of healthy fats, with a brain-powering energy boost, too.

Natural Extracts

To get a natural “shot” of flavor, add some almond and vanilla extract to your ground coffee. I like to add two tablespoons of each extract to one pound of ground coffee. Shake it together well and store in a cool dry place, in an airtight lidded container. 


Spice it up! Cinnamon will smooth the bitterness of the coffee, add some flavor, and boost your metabolism along the way. It also has lots of anti-inflammatory and medicinal properties, and can help regulate your blood sugar and cholesterol.


Chocolate lover? There’s no reason why you can’t have your chocolate and drink it too! Just add one teaspoon of cacao powder to your morning coffee. This nutrient powerhouse is packed with flavanols, which increase your serotonin (and your mood along with it). It also contains polyphenols and antioxidants, both great for your brain and heart heart!

Disclaimer: This content is provided for general informational purposes only, and is not intended nor should be considered a substitute to professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment by your healthcare provider.


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